Lucie Francis
Lucie has been teaching Pilates since 2014 after completing her Level 3 diploma in 2013, but has been a practitioner for almost 30 years. Like so many, she was originally drawn into Pilates to manage a back injury, that was so chronic that she was told the only option was surgery. Through Pilates she learned to strengthen her core as a means of protecting her area of injury and built up strength around it. The transformation has been so complete that Lucie can happily say she is a passionate Olympic weightlifter.
Pilates and movement are an integral part of her life, and she trained to teach in order to share her knowledge and help others be free of pain and increase body confidence. Lucie is passionate about teaching others and wants to make Pilates practice something that can be truly accessible to all. Lucie is particularly focused on Pelvic Floor connections and the foundations of Pilates.
Originally from the UK, Lucie ran her own practice back in Scotland but recently relocated to Philadelphia, and is really looking forward to teaching in this beautiful new studio and meeting the Lumos community!
YOUR TEACHING STYLE: Full mind and body approach
MUSIC/SONGS ON ROTATION IN YOUR CLASS: Classical, mindful music to help slow you down
MOVE: Side spine rotation because it feels amazing
FAVORITE PHILLY RESTAURANT: Vedge is hands down favorite vegan spot so far, but sure there's more to discover
TWO THINGS STILL LEFT ON YOUR BUCKET LIST: A trip to India & return trip to Hong Kong
IF YOU HAD ONE EXTRA HOUR OF FREE TIME A DAY, HOW WOULD YOU USE IT: Olympic weightlifting,, trail running, and meditation
FIND ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA HERE: @luciefrancispilates