Sevon Wright
Sevon is a dance teacher and choreographer in the Philadelphia area. Primarily a dance teacher to young students, she has found her love and passion to inspire youth through movement and art. Sevon is also the artistic director of Burgundy Blue Dance Company based out of Philadelphia. She is always on the hunt to create opportunities and performances to fuse multiple disciplines of art and fitness. In 2018 Sevon became a certified Pure Barre instructor and has taught barre ever since.
Her journey with Pilates began as a dance major in high school and she completed training under Ellie Herman and right away saw the benefits of cross training and injury prevention. On a mission to create a curriculum to help her young dancers and herself create thriving, long lasting bodies in dance she fell in even more in love with the Pilates Method and continues to learn more. She is a lover of fitness and group classes that bring people together from all walks of life. Sevon loves to create community with her clients and enjoys to teach classes that are somatic, challenging, and are connected to the core! She currently teaches Barre and all Pilates modalities in Philadelphia!
YOUR TEACHING STYLE: energetic, innovative, and supportive
MUSIC/SONGS ON ROTATION IN YOUR CLASS: lively, pumped music for barre and a mix of oldies, classical and slow paced tempos in pilates. You'll definitely be hearing "Crossroads" by Tracy Chapman and "Shut Up and Drive" from Rihanna!
FAVORITE PILATES MOVE: Single leg stretch! I love feeling the core activation and the lengthening through the legs.
FAVORITE PHILLY RESTAURANT: Vedge, it's so delicious and it's where my husband and I have celebrated multiple anniversaries so it holds a special place in my heart. BUT Middle Child Clubhouse is my number 1.5! Sorry I'm a foodie!
SOMETHING STILL LEFT ON YOUR BUCKET LIST: To visit my mother's home country, the Philippines and to start a non profit dance program for serious dancers living in low income areas or areas without access to dance.
IF YOU HAD ONE EXTRA HOUR OF FREE TIME A DAY, HOW WOULD YOU USE IT: I wanna say so many things but honestly I would sleep! I'm a napper through and through and who am I kidding whenever I have a free moment my eyes are closed.